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CJ Dr Appt Update
We made a trip to the doctor again this morning. Chloe Jo is doing fantastic. She weighs 6 pounds 12 ounces...up from 5 pounds 14 ounces just last week. Her pediatrician wanted to see an ounce a day weight gain and she is averaging 2 ounces which is great! She has been having some drainage in one of her eyes that is apparently a blocked tear duct. We have to massage it a couple of times a day and it will work itself out. She also has started having dry skin. It wasn't really bad until this morning after her bath. She looks like she has leprosy now. The ped said I can start using baby lotion on her now and if that doesn't work I can use adult lotion as long as it isn't scented. We'll see what happens.We have been going on daily walks up to the mail room for the past three days. It's been really nice to get out with her. It has been a bit windy so I've had to keep the canopy up on her carseat/stroller, but I think she has enjoyed it. She's always tired afterward which is nice. I've been trying to sleep when she does since she doesn't like to sleep very well at night. I don't really know what to do about that. I need to go get a swaddling blanket and try that since a few of you suggested it. I'm trying to follow the Babywise book, but I'm not very good at it. I guess the only thing we can do is keep on trucking and see what happens. Her ped did say that exclusively breastfed babies sometimes don't sleep through the night until six months. Yay.
You could always do what my MIL's doctor told her to do. He told her to feed the baby (my husband) one formula bottle a day, to do it at nighttime AND have someone else other than her give it to him. He said the reason for this was 1)So he would sleep better and 2)So incase she got sick or a breast infection the baby was would eat (meaning used to a bottle and someone else feeding him other than mama). I always thought that was a good advice. She said she got a bad flu bug later and couldn't feed him, so she was glad she listened to her doctor's advice.
Don't give up on Babywise.. it is HARD and takes some work to implement. It def does not happen overnight and it was about 6 weeks before I felt like I had it down with L. And then she had a growth spurt and we had to start all over again, LOL. It is worth it to stick it out, though. I guarantee it. We got a 6.5 hour stretch of sleep last night and she is just 7 weeks today - woo hoo! I know MANY breast feed babies that sleep through the night by two-three months. I think it is the exception rather than the rule for a breast fed baby to not sleep through the night until 6 months. Have hope!
Pumping and introducing a bottle at 4 weeks is the optimal time. We only do it once a day and Husband has to be the one to give it.
You are doing great!!
Hi! I'm a friend of your sister's. Just wanted to encourage you about the Babywise book. It doesn't really seem to be "doing" anything until you hit that magic 8 or 9 week moment. It really is amazing and has worked for me and all of my friends who've tried it. I also found a lot of help with a video called The Happiest Baby on the Block - available on There are 5 techniques, including swaddling, that help to soothe a baby. They work like a charm! Congrats on CJ. She's beautiful!
My son didn't sleep well at night for a while no matter what we did. Then at 8 weeks he just started sleeping through the night. I think each child is different and will do their own thing.
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