Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Growing Up

My baby girl is growing up so quickly! Where has the time gone!?!?

I took her to our local park to play today and she learned to swing by herself.

In her words, "Dat's okay, Momma. I do it mytelfs."

I can't believe my precious girl is almost 3 1/2 years old.

This age has been so fun lately.

My favorite part is that I can say silly things and she gets it now. She will actually laugh at my silliness and usually be silly back. I love being goofy with her.

She tried this climbing wall today and is now a pro. She can be so timid...until she isn't.

 I am dreading next year when she starts school.

I know she will love it, though.

I know she wants kids to play with. I wish we could have given her a playmate close to her age. We tried. It just wasn't meant to be. She will love having playmates.

I don't know what I would do without this beautiful face.

It's a wonderful life.


Courtney said...

You made it sound like you guys are done trying to have more kids. You're still so young (but only if you're interested in having more. I'm not trying to pressure you!). Often I'll read your posts and wonder if you're going to announce a pregnancy. But either way, I love the fun you seem to have with chloe Jo. You're a great mother and hope the Lord blesses you with more. :)

Allison said...

Beautiful girl! Shes so grown up looking all of a sudden!