Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baking with Chloe Jo!

"So, fiwst of aww, you have to put the yiners in the pan."

 "Den Honey (what she is calling me these days...goof!) wiw hewp me measuwe de ingreedients. I wiw pouw dem in de bowl and den stiw dem up."

 "Honey wiw mix de fiwst ingreedients because I don't yike de mixer. I den will hewp put the next ingreedients in."

 "Den I will powitewy smiew for Honey because she takes yots of pictures."

 "About this time I wiw get borwed and go pway. Honey wiw do de west."

 "Yook at the muffins I made!"

 "Nom nom nom."


April said...

Love it and I love your new blog look!

Janet said...

I laughed at myself thinking...."is is strange that I can totally translate everything she is saying". Gotta "lub" those kiddos! :-)

Lauren said...

So cute and love the new look too :-)

Christina said...

Cute! Annika says "yike" instead of like too, she also doesn't like the mixer, I think they probably think it's cheating!

Lori Lynn said...

Too precious!!! Thanks for the comments on my blog! I tried finding you on FB a while back but wasn't able to. You mentioned we had mutual friends. Can you send me a FB request? I'd love to chat sometimes!!1

Allison said...

I read this a couple days ago, and have to say that I haven't stopped giggling at how she calls you "Honey." Cracking me up - STILL!!