Monday, February 14, 2011

The Waving Girl

In 1887, Florence Martus and her lover, a sailor, said goodbye to each other. The sailor promised to come back and Florence promised to wave for him.

Florence Martus lived with her brother, a lighthouse keeper, on Elba Island located in the Savannah River near the Atlantic Ocean. For 44 years, Florence waved at each ship that came by. She waved with a handkerchief by day and a lantern by night waiting for her lover to return. During those 44 years, she never missed waving to a single ship. Her lover never came back and she passed away in 1943.

Her statue stands in Morrell Park on the historic riverfront of Savannah and her story lives on.

1 comment:

Chelley N said...

That is the worst Valentine's Day story ever. Boo.