Monday, October 18, 2010

18 Month Pictures....FINALLY!

Russ and I took Chloe Jo to try to get her 18 month pictures taken again. We booked the first appointment of the day at a place and when we got there, there were three employees and no one in line with us. The photographer was great! I told her at the beginning that I don't like a lot of props and that Chloe Jo might not smile so she should just take them when she looks okay. The photographer said she has a little girl about a month younger than Chloe Jo so she understood perfectly. She let Chloe Jo walk around a little bit and get to know the place and her. I really appreciated the photographer and the studio for understanding Chloe's needs so well!
The photographer enticed Chloe Jo to sit in the chair by giving her this bear. She knew I didn't want the props, but it was just a way to get her to do what we wanted. You can tell she wasn't thrilled with getting her pictures taken, but she gave us a few grins and a few very sweet pictures.Making a break for it!
What a precious little girl!
Hmmmm...maybe this won't be so bad after all.

I brought her new favorite toy with us to entice her to smile more. She got this slinky at the doctor's last week.

This one is my favorite. We got several sizes for us and friends and family.
I'm very happy with the pictures we got considering Chloe Jo does not like to cooperate. She is just so afraid if people touch her and of being in different places. Silly thing. I hope she outgrows this before she starts preschool in a few years!


Ashley said...

What a cutie! Love the pics - and glad it went well :)

elephantscanremember said...

Those are precious. I really like the one with her finger up to her mouth like she's thinking.