I woke up this morning not even wanting to go to Tuesday Ladies. I've mentioned this group several times before. If you don't know, it's a group that gets together to sew and make pillows and then we give them to the pediatric wards in our area hospitals and to the emergency rooms/urgent care facilities for the children. I usually love going, but I just wasn't feeling up to it today. I've been a little depressed and haven't been wanting to do much even though I have lots that I need to get done. Anyway, I made myself go this morning and I'm so glad I did! Next week is the last week that I will be able to go because they are taking the month of July off. I'm so sad about that because I thought I would have about 5 more times to go, but I'm down to one! This move just keeps getting closer and closer. Oh my. I'm keep getting more and more nervous about it. I just hope we made a good decision!
If it's where God wants you, it's the BEST decision!
Changes are hard. Exciting, but hard. Good luck with everything!
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