of the infertility closet this week. Since it is National Infertility Awareness Week I figured I would put myself out there. I actually posted on Facebook about this which is something I wouldn't normally do. Since having Chloe Jo, I've been a bit more open about my issues and our trouble with infertility, but I've never stepped this far out of my comfort zone and told this many people at one time. It is so hard for me to be open to people about it in person, though. Maybe if I put myself out there, I will inspire someone else to do the same or maybe even help someone that I didn't know was struggling. It's interesting how many bonds you make through something like this. Bonds with people that you never would have considered being close to or talking to. It does bring people together.
Russ and I are on the infertility path again. Even though he doesn't have a preaching job yet (still looking, but there just isn't much out there right now) and we don't have insurance (yikes!), we are seriously starting to think about trying to have another baby. The thing is that I'm not getting younger and the more I age, the more my ovaries age and the smaller my chance of conceiving again gets. I don't want to look back in 20 years and think I missed my chance of making the family that we dream about because we didn't have the money. Money is not everything and this is way too important to us. I don't want to miss the opportunity. But, while we are wanting to have another soon, we also are waiting to go to the doctor about it again. We are going to pay off our credit card (i.e. Chloe Jo's birth and some car repairs) and then we'll see about going to see the specialist if it hasn't happened by then. One thing we are keeping in mind is that Russ may find a job by that time. Hopefully it will be close to a clinic that can help us, but if it isn't I don't know what we are going to do. There are a lot of big decisions that go along with all of this. Hopefully we are going to make the right ones.