First, we went to G-Jo's house to meet her there to drive together after she got off work.
When we pulled up to Chelley and Chris' house, all of the doors and windows were open....uh oh...what happened? Chelley came out and said "We're going out to eat and Chris is buying because he burnt the chili!" The whole house smelled like smoke and burnt chili.
Saturday morning was the main event of the weekend: The Alzheimer's Walk!
Chloe Jo wore her "I heart Grand Pappy" shirt for the walk. My Grand Pappy has had Alzheimer's for a number of years and it is heart wrenching to watch the effects of the disease. We walked for him.
Team Gray Wolf
Chloe Jo also wore a sunhat so she wouldn't get sun burned. My friend, Sue, made this for her. The yellow tag on the top has her name on it.
The crowd milling around the booths that were set up.
Chloe Jo by one of the walk signs.
The Gray Wolf Girls
The Walk starting off.
The enormous line of walkers.
It turned out better than she thought it would. I think it's pretty stinking cute, too. I'm probably going to make something for Chloe Jo's wall when she gets her own room. The bird is about 2 foot across.
While we were there, Chloe Jo developed red splotches on her cheeks and the right cheek was burning up. She didn't seem to have a fever anywhere besides her little cheek. She didn't seem bothered by it at all, but I was! She must have had an allergic reaction to something (though, I didn't feed her anything new). Chelley thinks she gets hives from anxiety like me. I am always breaking out into hives that are warm to the touch when I am anxious or upset. It's very embarrassing and I am hoping that was not the case for Chloe Jo. I don't know what she could have been allergic to, though.
We also had to take pictures of Chloe Jo in the cradle my dad built for my sister when she was born. Apparently all of his grandchildren (except one that was adopted after he was a baby) have slept in this cradle and have had pictures taken in it. Chloe Jo was too big to sleep in it, but hopefully he will enjoy the picture.
After the walk ended, G-Jo, Chelley, I and Chloe Jo went to a few stores so Chelley could register for her baby showers. We had a lot of fun! It reminded me how much I want to have another little one if it is possible. Chloe Jo was so good while we were walking and shopping!
When we got back to Chris and Chelley's house, Chelley wanted to make a wall decoration for the baby's room. Her colors are going to be greens and purples and her animal crush is birds right now. This is really funny because my animal crush is owls. Anyway, she wanted to make a large bird for a wall in the nursery. She said she wanted me to help her make it, but it kind of ended up that I made it while she played with Chloe Jo and watched. HA!
Chloe Jo is getting so big and is adorable!!!!
Love the pics! Looks like you guy had a great time.
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