What else is Chloe Jo doing at 8 months? Talking up a storm! No real words yet, just a lot of babble. She loves to be tickled and she thinks it is great when you touch her belly. She giggles at everything, especially when I put her paci in my mouth (I know, GROSS!). She loves to sing and dance and play peek-a-boo. She also likes funny noises like when I say "beep beep" when we are playing with a car. We sing our ABC's, numbers, her name song and the books of the Bible every day so when she does start talking she'll have a leg up with that stuff. I bought her some ABC's and numbers flash cards for her stocking for Christmas and am excited to start using them. I know she is young for that, but I don't think you can ever start too young! She really loves her Leap Frog activity table that sings and plays music. She will stand at that and play for an hour!
Chloe Jo, you are growing up so fast and you are so fun to have around!
1 comment:
I heart her!
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