Link up here!
I'm loving having our front door open during the day time. I love our glass door and being able to see out!
I'm loving that Russ blew up the kiddie pool on Saturday!
I'm loving the giveaway that is going on right now! If you haven't entered to win, you still have through Monday! There aren't very many entries so you have a really good chance!
I'm loving that my car is equipped with turn signals (when I'm driving at least). There are so many cars that don't have these!
I'm loving strawberry season! I'm hoping to go out to a local farm to pick strawberries soon and then make some slurp!

I'm loving that Chloe Jo and I finally used her finger paints! She loved it so much and I loved that she loved doing it. I hope she loves crafts and art as much as I do.
I'm loving our sweet little family. The infertility depression has been knocking on my door lately and I am trying very hard to not let it in. I am so blessed to have my family and I need to be thankful for them! I don't know why CJ decided to stick her tongue out here. Silly girl.
I'm loving game night! I have loved the game of Life since I was a little girl! I will never grow out of it.
I don't love how the game mocks us. You see we have no children in the game!?!?!? Too much like real life here.
I'm loving Paul Rudd. Can he be any more adorable!?!? I remember thinking that when he was in Clueless and I still think that. I might like him more than I like Bradley Cooper.

I'm loving felt flowers! I'm going to learn how to make these. They have been on my list for a while now.

What are you loving today?
Oooh, Life. Remember when we were little and thought the point of the game was to have as many kids as possible? We didn't care about the money, just the kids, haha. Oh wait . . . I think we're still like that!
Great things you are loving today! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Such a great post! Stopped by from WILW... Thanks for sharing what you're loving!
I love those felt flowers! so cute! and you can store them and bring them out every season!
lovin the felt flower idea thats awesome
love us some strawberries!! We need to make some Jam!
I love what you're loving! And I LOVE the idea of going to get some strawberries! Happy Wednesday!
Your daughter is adorable! Finger paints are the best. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following yours! Where are you learning how to make those adorable felt flowers?
Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Your little girl is just precious. I love that you have a game night. I want to have that with my family once he is old enough to do it, that is :)
Oh and I can't wait for strawberries either!!!
Venessa, click on the words "felt flowers" to go to the site. My links aren't showing up in different colors for some reason. I'll have to fix that!
That strawberry picture made me drool. Our Whole Foods has organic strawberries on sale for $1.99 tomorrow and I am going to be first in line. That is like cheaper than cheap!
You are brave to do the finger paints! I so won't go there but I am a boring craft mom. I cannot handle the stress of the mess.
Happy Wednesday! (a day late!)
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