I'm starting to be a little nervous about Chloe's speech. I keep telling myself that she will talk when she is ready. She's always been pretty extreme. When she started walking there wasn't much of taking 1 or 2 steps, she took 8 all at once. When she decided she didn't like milk anymore, she just stopped eating it. Same thing with pretty much all of her milestones. Which makes me think she is going to start talking in complete sentences when she wants to. But, I'm still getting a little nervous about it. I'm going to ask about it next week when she goes to get her shots. The list of words she has said is pretty long, but the only one that she has consistently said is "Momma." While I love it that she loves me so much, I also would love it if she could say the word "potty" more than the one time. I'm kind of frustrated with the fact that she will say words and then not say them anymore. Like "potty." I could have put her on the potty if I had known that is what she was wanting today before she pooped her pants. I guess I am still learning to talk "whine." Her latest word is "Elmo." I haven't let her watch TV until this week. I introduced her to Sesame Street via YouTube. She loved it! Especially Elmo. Hence the reason she said "Elmo" twice. But, then she wouldn't tell Daddy who we watched on YouTube when he got home. *Sigh*
Although, she did tell me twice today that she needed to go potty. I unfortunately was in the shower the first time so I didn't get to her in time and I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me the second time. But, hey, I'm not going to count those because she can't climb up on the potty by herself and she sure tried to get me to help her!
Hunter was the same way. He would say a word once or twice, so you knew he was able to say it and then.... Yeah it was like pulling teeth.
No problem now. The only problem now is trying to get him to say please and thank you when he is in an uncomfortable environment.
Lisa they make this fold up potty seat that fits in your diaper bag. Here is the link... http://www.amazon.com/PRIMO-Folding-Potty-Handles-granite/dp/B000BXHPEU/ref=pd_sim_ba_20
I think this is pretty common for speech development. My 19 month old is the queen of stunning me with words out of the blue and then never using them again. She babbles SO much and I've worried that she's behind but after talking to other mom's, I realize she is fine. She understands most of what I say and I can ask her to do something and she knows what I mean!
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