After Fudd's, we made it to the South Carolina State Museum. That place was huge! I wasn't expecting 4 huge floors of history! We were there for 3 hours and could have spent 3 more hours if I hadn't wanted to tour the State House!
I think this picture is hilarious! Poor Chloe Jo. She couldn't go anywhere without a shark trying to eat her. She doesn't seem to be bothered about it, though.
Another set of "Jaws" trying to eat my baby.
This is a man-eating armadillo. So glad we didn't see these when we lived in the Midwest. The normal sized ones are bad enough!
"Hello Operator? I'd like to place a call."
Chloe Jo wanted to make a call on another phone!
Spaceman and Chloe Jo. She didn't really know what to think of most of the museum. Of course, it was nap time and she was getting tired.
Chloe Jo's favorite part of the museum was this "hands-on" area. She laughed and giggled through the whole section...and laughed and giggled loudly. As in, I'm sure the whole floor could hear her! I'm just glad that she enjoyed it so much.
She especially loved this floating beach ball. We watched this for several minutes.
Russ was really excited when he saw that I had multiplied! He really would love to have 100 of me. No, really! Why don't you believe me???
All aboard!!!
Huge airplace hanging from the ceiling. The windows on the right side of the pictre are for a glass elevator. Chloe Jo thought that was pretty neat.
I loved this display. There was a sensor that started everything when we stepped in front of it. So cool!
Ay yi yi...that there is one big tire.
My attempt at being funny looking down the barrel of a cannon.
How would you like to buy shoes at the same counter you buy flour at??? Oh wait a second...we do that at Wal-Mart!
Russ was exceptionally glad to say he didn't have to go through preaching school at a desk like this. Poor guy was way too big anyway!
After the State Museum, we headed over to the State House. I think it's kind of funny to call it the State House since we have always lived in states with "capitol" buildings. Is this a regional thing? I may look into it for curiosities sake.
We have a beautiful State House. I love how grand and stately these buildings usually look.
This is the lobby area of the State House. Again, grand and stately.
This is a conference room that is on the first and second floors. I love the spiral staircase.
The inside of the dome. Does anyone else love domes as much as I do??? I think they are the neatest part of capitol buildings!
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