Seriously, though, her personality has changed so much since we moved here. It's like we crossed into South Carolina and she decided to be a different little person. Although, she is just as sweet and loving as she has always been. She loves to come up and give me kisses and hugs and to snuggle...for about 3 seconds. She is so friendly with everyone here. She wants to shake hands and wander around the church building which she never did either of those things where we lived before. I think she is thriving on the small town atmosphere.
Chloe Jo is going to be 17 months old on Friday. She has been doing so many new things lately. If she hears my phone she will go get it (if it's within her Inspector Gadget reach) and bring it to me. She has also started using her fork and spoon the correct way. The only downside to this is that she refuses help from Russ or me sometimes. She wants to turn on her own music at naptime/bedtime and she wants to brush her own teeth and hair. She still isn't talking very much. She can say several words, but she won't on command or very often. Her newest words are dog and duck.
I love being able to stay home with Chloe Jo and witness all of her milestones. I hate the thought of maybe going to work. I don't want to miss a single minute! This week has been a trial and I still don't want to leave her. She cut a new tooth last week and has been a grump ever since. She also has a runny nose and can't hardly breathe. Even with her being so grumpy and my wanting to pull my hair out, I still don't want to think about being away from her. She is my little blessing.
She is so cute! And she really does look like she has sprouted up a lot recently! Love her outfit! Where do you shop at? Chloe Jo always has the cutest outfits!
I agree, that outfit is adorable. Is it carters? She sure does look like a big girl now. I remember following your blog before she was around...time has flown!
Hey guys! The outfit is from Wal-Mart and is HealthTex. I bought it last winter on sale!
The outfit is cute, but the girl is cuter :-). I noticed how full her hair is now... that makes her looks much more grown up. Love you, CJ!
She is such a cutie!
Wow, what a big girl she is now! So cute. :)
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