I am a 30 year old Christian, wife and stay-at-home mother. My husband, Russell, and I were married in 2004 and we welcomed our daughter, Chloe Jo, in 2009. My days are filled with laundry, crafting, cleaning, My Little Pony and family time. Life hasn't turned out exactly how I had pictured it, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Grab a coffee, sit down and enjoy my very blessed life.
"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him." 1 Samuel 1:27
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Brady Sullivan
Do any of you read this blog? It's about Brady Sullivan and Chloe Sullivan. Brady's wife, Sara, was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2009 and passed away in September of 2009 14 days after delivering their baby girl, Chloe Grace. I started reading it before Sara passed away and it is one of those blogs that I went back to the beginning to read the whole story. I cried. I laughed. I cried some more. It is an amazing story and Brady and Chloe are doing so well now! Brady does the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walks in Houston and Dallas, Texas and posted a video on his blog that they are going to show at the walk. I liked it so much (and cried through most of it!) that I am reposting on mine.
I've never walked for breast cancer. I have walked for multiplesclerosis and Alzheimer's. Whatever disease you are connected with in some way, please get ivolved in something. There are walks and fundraisers for many, many things. And if you don't want to get involved by walking or volunteering, please donate to something. These are good programs to be involved in and finding a cure for any disease would be wonderful!
We're doing the breast cancer walk next month. I've read the story about Brady Sullivan before but I just can't bare to watch this video. The story made me cry soooo much.
Seriously, why do you always make me cry??? That was soooo sad.
We're doing the breast cancer walk next month. I've read the story about Brady Sullivan before but I just can't bare to watch this video. The story made me cry soooo much.
WOW! I'm still crying. What an incredible man!
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