I have a pair of black Mary Jane-type shoes. I don't want to wear white socks with them because I don't want to look like I'm 10 or a Catholic school girl. I also don't wear plaid skirts with them if you were wondering. So I always wear black socks with them to look a little more professional when I wear them to work. I have about 5 pairs of black socks, one being a pair with bright stars all over them. I don't like to wear those with these shoes because I would rather people not see my novelty socks. The past few weeks, I have been running out of black socks and I couldn't figure out why. So last night, I got a load of clothes ready for the wash. I found two pairs of black socks (including the star ones) and a single that I couldn't find a mate for. This confused me to no end because I don't usually lose socks. Russ did my laundry for me last night so I could go on to bed. This morning, I woke up and went to the dryer and found one pair of plain black socks and the single. I set them on top of the dryer with a pair of underwear and a bra to put on after my shower. Russ had to preach today so he left while I was in the shower. I get done in the shower and go to the dryer and my socks are gone...all three of them! I did eventually find a clean pair, but I'm sure that Russ stuck his big old man feet into my nice, non-stretched out socks and that irritates me. I wear a size 7 1/2 and he wears a size 12 1/2. How he ever got his big old feet into my tiny socks is beyond me. I would assume he has no blood circulation in his feet today.
Though, maybe I should just be grateful that he didn't get our underwear confused.
NOAH Jaguars Basketball 2025
1 week ago
Haha. Too funny! Maybe thats what keeps happening to my socks...
That is hilarious. Russ in your socks.
I have a friend (and no, that's not code for 'me') who would resort to wearing her husband's (clean) tighty white'y's if she ran out of underwear. I thought that was pretty weird.
We have sock karma. I found my cute (and no longer little, now just long) black socks in my husband's hands too! I have not seen them for years, and I, like you, were thinking "where in the world are my black socks?" I would never have found them if we were not folding a load of dark laundry together a few weeks ago. "Those are YOURS?" I believe was the question he asked me. LOL!!!! BOYS!!!
grr...silly girl socks, why can't there just be a G or B on the bottom ha ha
I'm confused on what exactly happened to the third sock. Russ has big feet, but surely he didn't put two socks on one foot?
As far as your friend who wants a homebirth or something close to it at a hospital...what she has to do is just say no thank you to lots of things. Let them take blood...b/c they would need that in case she went to c/s. But she can say no thank you to an IV and no thank you to pain meds/epidurals. She can certainly have a non-interventive birth if she wants to...
Chelley, I found the third sock on the couch later. Apparently it was too small so he took that one off and put on the other two instead....and nothing clued him in...
Russ, most people don't try to force a huge foot into little bitty socks.
Hahahahah! I needed that laugh!
Very cool your blog!
Good week
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