My doctor appointment went really well today! My OB used the doppler so I could hear the heartbeat. That is so much more fun than those stupid transvag ultrasounds! Of course, I couldn't see the little guy, but the heartbeat sounded just as sweet as when I was looking at him on a blurry black and white tv screen. All my bloodwork from the last appointment came back good. I did find out that my blood is RH- so I will be getting a rhogam shot at 28 weeks. I asked him what that meant (I sort of knew but wanted to hear it from him) and he said that if I don't get the shot that my body is going to think Logan is a foreign substance and kill him. Oh. That's a shot it is! He wanted to know if I wanted the flu shot and I said "I don't know. Do I? You're the doctor." Hee hee. After asking a few more questions, he decided I didn't need it. I would have gotten it if he said I needed it.
In other good news, I had a meeting this morning with the Prenatal Prepay lady and I will only be paying $1,024.40 to the OB for all my prenatal visits, birth, and 6 week appointment. I'm super excited about that! Of course, this doesn't include the hospital portion or the anesteseologist (I'm not planning on getting an epidural so will I still have one?). Insurance is looking much better to me today. Also, and this is really exciting, I have paid off the bills that were for the infertility treatments. YAY! Everything, from here on out is all for Logan and his prenatal care.
I got a huge bag of baby clothes from a woman at church who just had a little boy about 7 months ago. He was 10 pounds at birth and is already wearing 12 month clothes so his newborn and small clothes weren't hardly used at all. They are soooooooo cute! She had given me a bag of clothes already that she had bought at a garage sale. I kept some of those and ended up giving over half the bag to goodwill. Sorry garage sale lady. I really don't want your sons underwear that he was obviously potty trained in. There are a couple of things that you should just buy new and underwear is one of them. Anyway, I'm going to go through the bag and pick out what I want which is most of it and take the rest to goodwill. I won't keep the outfits that have stains on them because there are plenty in there that don't. Logan is basically set for the first few months of his life. I'm not going to have to buy hardly anything. I will buy an outfit for him to come home from the hospital in. Other than that, maybe a cute pair of sneakers and a baseball cap.
That's it for now Blogger Buddies!
NOAH Jaguars Basketball 2025
1 week ago
That's great that your dr appt went well and baby boy is doing good. I had to get the rhogam shot too. Big needle! Rh sickness is pretty bad, but the shot is supposed to prevent that. I think if the baby's blood is + and mother's is - then if the bloods mix, it can make the mother sick. I did get the flu shot because I get sick every year in January. We'll see if the shot helps. Plus the baby can't get a flu shot, so I'm protecting him, especially important for us since Chesley will be born during flu season. Some things to think about...
And LOL about the stained underwear! Yucky!
Sounds good Lisa. Glad all's progressing well!
I am so glad your doctors appointment went well! I had to laugh at the underwear. I TOTALLY agree! I had a friend give my son some Gerber trainers that were stained. Yuck! I just used them to dust with and then threw them away. LOL! I would NEVER give someone something like that.
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