*Disclaimer: Please remember that I wrote these when I was 15! I could be a snarky brat! I also am typing these journals exactly as I wrote them, bad spelling and all, except I have abbreviated names to protect the innocent or not-so-innocent.
We threw K2 a baby shower today. It was quite rude of K1 to bring her in 2 hours late. I was very not happy. Then he tried to blame it all on her. The nerve! I finished the 2nd baby bid yesterday night. I was relieved to get that out of the way. They both turned out so cute. K2 really liked them. K2 was very pleased about the whole thing. It didn't seem to bother any of the Ukranians at the shower that K1 was so late getting K2 there. They don't value time like we do though.
*It is true that the Ukrainian culture is not so concerned with punctuality (or it was true at that time). I think I could have worded that nicer. Also, I do not remember the circumstances behind the Ss being late so who knows what really happened.
Chelley and I went to Darnitza alone. Mom and Dad went to Garmatna. K1 wanted us to "encourage" the girls at Darnitza/Left Bank. We also met Pasha today. He's really nice. Alex is really cute for being a Ukrainian. A little scrawny but ok besides. Anyway, we were waiting for Julia to come back from the bathroom and all of the sudden K1 starts calling us "Lousy Girls"! We didn't talk to Julia fast enough for him. He is such a PIG! When we got back to our apartment we had the C's over for dinner. Mom cooked a huge meal that was so good! We had Chicken Spagetti. Then for dessert there were fresh-baked cinnamon rolls. After eating we all played fictionary. It was a riot. Then we all wrote C.
*C was in the state at college during this trip.
Not Again :-(
2 years ago
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