Russ and I hosted a successful holiday party for the church here last night. It was small as we only had 4 people come, but our congregation is small (30 to 35 on Sunday mornings) and we had a great time anyway! We had way too much food and all of us ended up with a lot leftover. We had an ornament exchange and I think the game was so fun! I read the poem "The Night Before Christmas" and every time I said the word "the" we passed our ornament to the right. Every time I said the word "and" we passed our ornament to the left. It was hilarious and everyone enjoyed it. We had a blast and are looking forward to our next party! Here is a picture of Russ and I before people started getting here.

And because I can't resist:

I found this dress on clearance at JC Penney and used a coupon so it was very inexpensive and I love it. Chloe Jo loves it, too. When I put it on her this morning she was so excited that she had to twirl in it. I love my little girly girl!
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