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I'm loving that my parents have been here since Friday! I've only been able to see them twice now since we moved to the east coast so this has been a real treat!
I'm loving the Gospel Meeting my dad has been preaching for the church we are members of. It started on Sunday and the last night is tomorrow night.
I'm loving that my Dad has been preaching without notes! I've never seen him do this and he has done a great job!
I'm loving how much Chloe Jo is loving having her Grampy and G-Jo here to play with her! They are spoiling her rotten, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
(I didn't get a good pic of CJ and my Dad. The one I did get was blurry.)
I'm loving the adorable kitchen my Dad modified for Chloe Jo! This kitchen was built by my Dad for my niece, Kaylee. She has outgrown it (she will turn 10 in April) and passed it down to Chloe Jo. The top of it was really long so I asked my Dad to cut it down for me and bring it out here so I could paint it. After my Dad cut the top down, he wasn't done. He made the towel rack, the plate rack and modified the burners. Then he decided he wanted to paint it and I let him! I was not looking forward to painting it so I'm very thankful that he wanted to do this for CJ. It turned out so cute and it looks adorable in her room! Plus, she loves it.
I'm loving that my Mom and I got to take CJ to the park to play today. It has been cold and rainy ever since my parents got here, but today was sunny so we were able to go outside.
I'm loving this little outfit CJ wore today. Mom bought her the clothes and I bought her the adorable shoes and hair clips. Love it!
I'm loving matryoshka dolls. I have been seeing these pop up more and more lately! I love it because it reminds me of all the time I spent in Ukraine during my high school and college years. I love these dolls!
I'm loving that I was able to pick up a few cake decorating supplies this week that I've been wanting! I really would love to take a cake decorating course, but I will be busy during the next one Hobby Lobby is offering so I will have to wait. I've been wanting to do this for a long time! Hopefully next time.
What are you loving today?
Wow! Chloe Jo looks more and more like Russ with every picture that you post. That kitchen is adorable! Your Dad did a great job. And my favorite picture is the one you posted of CJ peaking out above the swing. She is so cute!
my friend Karen worked in a Ukranian orphanage in college. I thought I was the only modern gal with a 'matroyshka' (I'm too lazy to check your spelling).
That outfit Chloe Jo had on is indeed adorable.
Today I'm loving our warmer weather! horray!
Chloe's outfit is so cute! I'm loving the Matroiska trend, too! Seeing that everywhere these days.
The spelling I used for matryoshka was the spelling used on Etsy. If it's wrong, I blame them.
Love that kitchen! How fun!!
Love your blog! Just stumbled upon you through a series of other blogs! Looking forward to reading more!
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