Our little family decorated for Christmas this week. We had to get a new Christmas tree because the one we had got ruined when the water heater leaked on it. The water heater is
still leaking, by the way. I took the opportunity to buy a bigger tree that is pre-lit. I. LOVE. IT. It's so much better than the Charlie Brown tree we've used since our first Christmas as a married couple. The box of that tree said it cost us $15.88! It was seriously sad.
The first thing I did was get out our Christmas boxes. We don't that much Christmas stuff. I think there were 2 boxes and now the tree box. Chloe Jo loved putting up these window clings.

Even more, she loves to peel them off. *sigh of frustration*

After Daddy got home, we headed out for our yearly tradition of buying Christmas ornaments. We each picked one for the tree. I write our names and the year on them with magic marker. It is so fun to look at the ornaments we chose in past years!

Russell picked this Frosty the Snowman ornament.

I picked this Grinch ornament. I love me some Grinch and Cindy Lou Who. Can't get much cuter.

Chloe Jo picked out Belle. She loves her! She will stand at the tree and look at her.
After we got home, Chloe Jo went to bed. We tried to let her stay up to set up the tree, but she was cranky and we finally had to put her to bed. Russ and I stayed up to put up the tree anyway.

I love our tree. And yes, that is a top hat our tree is wearing...because that is how our tree rolls, yo. Seriously love the top hat!

This is a display I put together on the top of our TV cabinet. I bought the round ornaments and vases at the Dollar Tree and the red ornaments are from Wal-Mart. I think it turned out nice since I only spent about $20.00 for the whole display.

This is our game chest. We moved it from the living room into our hall so the tree could go in front of the window.

This is a shelf in our hall. I have had the Santa on the bottom shelf for as long as I remember. At least 20 years.

And here are our stocking. I love our stockings. I made these our first Christmas as a married couple. I can't find these particular stockings anymore so Chloe Jo's doesn't match ours.

Hers still turned out cute, though. Can't you just picture another stocking hanging from this shelf. We are hoping and praying to make that happen for next year.
I put lights up around our living room window on the outside, but they are already falling down. I may take them down completely. I am having trouble figuring out how to hang them since we can't put screws in the wood since this is a rental. We'll just have to see what else we can use because what I did use (adhesive backed hooks) aren't working.
Peace out, yo!
Love all the decorations - and your tree looks fab! Top hat and all :) Where did you get the tree? We need a new one this year too...
I can't believe you already have up all of your decorations! It really looks great though. I hope to start next week but it is hard since we are still trying to figure out where to put all of our other stuff. I can't believe how big Cloe is getting. She is seriously too cute!
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