Chloe Jo has decided that she really really really loves her Cabbage Patch Kid, Johanna Sylvia (Johanna has a hard "h" sound like the Duaggar girl). I can't even express in enough words how much this makes my heart smile. I loved my CPK's when I was little and still do. I am so happy to let Chloe Jo play with them and am thrilled that she loves her own so much. I am thinking about getting her a little stroller to push her dolly around in. I think she would like that.
Not Again :-(
2 years ago
Awww! Those pics are adorable. I loved my CPK too!
I loved them too. That's just too precious! You must be tickled!
YAY!!! I think she needs a stroller... that way she will have somewhere to put her CPK AND all the stuff she loves to collect as she walks around!
Hey, congrats on the job from the previous post! That's so exciting. As much as change is hard, it must be nice to think that you've finally had some direction about where you're going. I'm sure you'll do great on the East Coast!
And I still have a cabagge patch or two floating around my mothers house. They're awesome.
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