My Mom recently went to see my grandparents in another state. These grandparents and part of my aunts, uncles and cousins all live in the same area. One of my cousins and his wife have a baby girl who is about 9 months old. They told my Mom that whenever they are getting ready to put their little girl in the bath, they first set her on the toilet and she will potty...she even went number 2 once. Seriously! 9 months old! After my Mom told me that I thought to myself, "Self, that's a great idea! Why don't you do that with Chloe Jo!" And so I did. We've been doing this since Monday and since we have been swimming, Chloe Jo has gotten a bath every night. And - drumroll please - she has tinkled in the potty TWICE! So exciting. I don't think she understands what is going on, but she will and this will -hopefully- make potty training that much easier.
My sis did ask me when I plan on starting potty training with Chloe Jo. I told her that I am going to see what happens at 18 months. If she isn't ready, no biggie. I'll wait a month and try again. I do want her potty trained by 2 years, though. I think it is ridiculous how parents let their kids stay un-potty-trained until they are 3 and 4 years old. I'm talking about the ones that are just too lazy to even try or care. I say "if I don't have to spend the money on diapers, why would I!"
Not a bad idea - I bought a potty chair and it is currently collecting dust on our guest bed. Guess I could actually put it in the bathroom for starters...and sit Katie on it occasionally too!
How cute! I hope she catches on very quickly.
Hi Lisa, Have been reading your blog for awhile and I think Lil' Chloe Jo is such a cutie :) and you are so very talented with your crafts,good luck with that! I have three kiddos, 2 boys and a little princess :). My pedi actually told me with the boys to wait until they were closer to three to start potty training because they would catch on faster. My first was potty trained three mos. before three and it seriously only took like three days and he was potty trained day and night. My second one has just started and he has five mos. before turning three and he is doing it pretty quickly as well so it really is up to the child, otherwise you can totally stress yourself out and get really discouraged! It will happen don't worry.
That's a great idea! I plan on getting Annika a potty for her 1st birthday. My friend didn't get her daughter potty trained fully till 3 years old which I don't get. My parents claim I was potty trained at 18 months...
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