Warning: The following blog contains some political views.
I was in the check out line at Wal-Mart last night and looked over to see multiple magazines with Sarah Palin on the cover as well as titles saying "Palin's Teen Daughter Pregnant" and "Trig is Afflicted with Down's." What I want to know is why there has been so much put into Bristol Palins pregnancy? Millions of teens become parents. Why is this particular pregnancy being spot-lighted and since when did that become a good basis as to whether we should nominate her mother for VP? The papers are saying things like "if she can't control her family what makes the American public believe she can be a VP?" What? I remember how I was when I was seventeen. I thought I had all the answers. I did realize that I didn't before making too many life changing decisions. I can't really relate to Bristol because that never happened to me, but she is seventeen. She is taking responsibility for her actions. She is marrying the father of the child. What more do we as Americans want her to do? She is giving up many of the things of childhood to raise a child and become a wife. I realize that I don't have all the facts. I can just see what the papers say and believe what I believe to be true. But, I think it's wrong to lash out on the seventeen year old daughter when the real issue is whether Sarah Palin would be a good Vice President and help lead this country out of the demise it has fallen into.
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1 week ago
The big deal is that the liberal left wing media will do whatever it needs to to make sure that McCain/Palin do not get elected. It doesn't matter to them who gets hurt.
Nice of them to throw a child into this political race.
I'm like you Lisa, I don't think that family members should become part of the debate, but the media will take anything it can get to sensationalize it and sell mags or papers. It's all about making money.
Personally, just because she got pregnant doesn't mean she needs to marry the man who is the father. If there is not a solid relationship there, getting married won't make it any better. They'll be trapped in a marriage until her mom is either no longer VP (assuming McCain gets elected) or until the elections are over and her ticket doesn't win.
I hope they don't put undo pressure on Bristol to get married, because it will be worse for the child to be part of a married family that can't stand each other than to have parents who are separate yet happy. And this I speak of from experience.
Unfortunately, that is politics. Anything and everything will be brought out in public and thrashed up. If the opposing party doesn't do it, the media will!
Tori, I almost said something along those lines about them getting married, but I felt it was better to be left alone. I completely agree with you that it might not be the best thing for them. I don't believe that making one mistake (getting pregnant, though can we IFers really say that's a mistake) shouldn't lead to an even bigger one (marrying without a firm foundation. I just hope they know what they are getting themselves into and that they are happy together even though their road is most likely going to be a bit rough.
I agree that this teenager should not be brought into this election. I think most people feel the way we all do and this whole smear campaign is backfiring bigtime on the left wing media. They should definetley not get married unless there is that solid foundation. Did you see though that he has her name tattooed on his left ring finger?
The media sucks. It is twisted that they are seriously biased and do whatever it takes to exploit people and sell papers. Look at all the poor movie stars too. Standing in line at a check out counter makes me sad.
I completely agree. Now the left is citing "family values" (what a joke) because of it. If a man were in Mrs. Palin's place, this would be a non-issue!
yea.. I was wondering if the pressure to marry was coming from McCain's group or Palin's advisors. I don't know that I would encourage my pregnant teen to wed so early. I do love the fact that she was keeping the baby.
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