
Thursday, March 1, 2012

What happens...

when you try to stick this
through this?
You get stuck!
At least her traumatic start to the day didn't diminish her cute smile.
I'm pretty sure that's going to bruise.

In other news, I have now been soda pop free for 5 (YES, 5!) years! I stopped drinking soda pop in February of 2007 and haven't drank it since.


  1. Funny. Our oldest son did that with our dining room chair. What is so bad about it is that I grabbed the camera and got a picture before I helped him out...opps!

    Thats amazing about the soda! I went caffeine free for 9yrs but I was encouraged to start again by my dr...weird huh? But, it did help my situation ;)

  2. Ooooh, oooh, I've been soda pop free for 5 (yes, 5!) hours. Oh, wait...

  3. tooo funny! cute post.
    Congrats on being soda free 5 years! i can barely make it thru the day without a dr. pepper.

  4. Wow!!!! I've only been diet coke free two weeks and I can't wait til tomorrow because it's diet coke night!! I'm only going to have 8oz on Friday nights when we order wings!!
