*Disclaimer: Please remember that I wrote these when I was 12! I could be a snarky brat! I also am typing these journals exactly as I wrote them, bad spelling and all, except I have abbreviated names to protect the innocent or not-so-innocent.
Today Michelle & I went to R's and spent the night. It was a blast. We painted our faces. We looked like monsters or something silly. Then we ate Indiana chili made by DC. We watched Beethoven 2nd. It was really funny I thought. We also played the game clue. it was really boring. After that we sat around and talked about a magazine (Teen). We watched Full House, Boy meets World, Family Matter, Free Willy and Hangin with Mr. Cooper the rest of the time. We went to bed around 1:00 A.M. on Saturday.
I woke up at R's apartment at 9:25 A.M. We had breakfast (Egg, cheese, ham and bread sandwich) sort of like an egg McMuffin. We bundled up and went and played out in the snow. We had tons of snowball fights. Then we just made snowballs and hit whoever we could (mostly C). Then we went inside and after I thawed out we watched Full House again. At around 3:00 we went over to Svetta's house and ate borsh (soup). It was real good. It was like a stew. Then we had rice and cake for dessert. I thought it was real good.
Thunder Up!
1 week ago